SIFER 2023

SIFER 2023

Lille Grand Palais – Lille – France | 28 – 30 March 2023 Booth 2-230

Rail Live 2022

Rail Live 2022 – FYCMA, Malaga, Spain from November 29th to December 1st 2022 Booth  #71

InnoTrans 2022

Messe – Berlin – Germany | September 20th to 23rd 2022 Booth 480 – Hall 4.1

Acksys Communications & Systems – Wireless communications expert – Challenges 2021

Christophe Bardoul - ACKSYS Communications & Systems - Challenges 2021

The public transport sector is undergoing radical change, with ecological and technological issues becoming increasingly important. Faced with the need to win back users, operators are focusing on safety, comfort and new services. Acksys Communications & Systems, specialized in wireless communication solutions, is a key player, offering innovative solutions to enhance the passenger experience and […]

The communication solution for public transport operators Entreprise-N°-182 – 2022


The public transport sector is evolving rapidly, and we have to take into account the growing expectations of users for quality on-board services, guaranteeing their safety and providing real-time information. At the same time, managing the obsolescence of train equipment, which can have a lifespan of up to 40 years, has become a critical issue. […]

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