Car-to-car and consist-to-consist radio coupling

In railway refurbishment projects, it is often impossible to install additional cables to ensure high-speed connectivity between carriages. ACKSYS’ proposed solution offers an optimized alternative by using wireless inter-carriage coupling technology, thus avoiding the need for new cable installations.

ACKSYS’ Expertise

ACKSYS has extensive experience in designing and providing products based on IEEE 802.11 technology for the railway industry and its applications. ACKSYS’ wireless coupling solution ensures easy installation, high-speed communications, increased reliability, and optional redundancy features for all types of trains.

Connectivity needs for intelligent transportation

Intelligent transportation solutions increasingly require high-throughput IP infrastructures. However, adding additional cables between carriages is often very difficult, if not impossible. In response to this challenge, ACKSYS offers a wireless coupling solution.

Wireless coupling features

Wireless coupling requires the automatic establishment of an intelligent connection between the cars. It is crucial that the connection is only established between facing carriages, thus avoiding erroneous connections with carriages on adjacent tracks.

ACKSYS’ SRCC solution

ACKSYS’ SRCC (Smart Redundant Carriage Coupling) solution relies on wireless couplers requiring a single configuration and thus:

  • supports any train composition change
  • provides a redundant and reliable onboard network

By combining SRCC with train-to-ground communication and access points inside the carriages, ACKSYS offers a complete wireless network solution to meet all application needs: CBTC, CCTV, PIS, onboard Internet, etc.

ACKSYS’ wireless coupling solution offers an effective and reliable alternative to additional cables, especially in refurbishment projects, while meeting the increasing demands of intelligent transportation infrastructures. With easy installation and robustness suited to the railway environment, the ACKSYS’ solution guarantees high-speed communication and unparalleled reliability.

Find out more about SRCC technology.

Points forts
  • Redundant onboard network with 2 WiFi couplers at each end of each carriage
  • Self-forming network: automatic association of carriages in any order
  • Intelligent coupling system avoiding interconnections with neighboring train networks
  • To support significant data transfers (CCTV, infotainment…)
  • Dual isolated power supply input 24-110 VDC
  • PoE+
  • One radio for carriage coupling and the other for WiFi coverage inside the carriage
  • IP66 Standard
  • Radio: WiFi: EN 300 328 (2.4 GHz), EN 301 893 (5 GHz, DFS) / LTE: EN 301 908 [-1, -2, -13], EN 301 511, EN 303 413
  • EMC: WiFi: EN 301 489 [-1], [-17] / LTE: EN 301 489 [-19], [-52] / Railway: EN 50155, EN 50121-3.2
  • Safety: EN 45545-2 (HL3), NF F16-101 (M1F1) (Fire and Smoke), EN 60950-1, EN 62311
  • Environment: EN 61373 (shock & vibration), EN 60068 (climatic)
Certifications :
Logiciel d'administration WaveManager

WaveManager is a centralized tool that simplifies the supervision of an infrastructure using ACKSYS products, making the network administrator’s job easier.

It lets you configure, monitor, troubleshoot and manage network deployments of ACKSYS equipment, either locally or remotely.

  • Centralized administration
  • Simplified deployment and configuration
  • Single or grouped parameterization and updates
  • Complete equipment monitoring: geolocation, tracing, alarms, graphical representations
  • Security: user management, passwords, HTTPS certificates
  • Preventive maintenance: real-time monitoring and recording of indicators (signal level and quality, roaming thresholds, channel congestion, throughput, latency, etc.) to anticipate and prevent unexpected breakdowns
WaveManager : Logiciel d’administration ACKSYS


ACKSYS has won SNCF's Train Digital-Marché 6 tender to equip renovated TER trains with inter-rail WiFi modules. These modules create a complete IP network on board the trains, enhancing connectivity and safety. ACKSYS' SRCC solution, based on wireless couplers, has been installed in the Grand Est, Occitanie, PACA and CVDL regions. Télécharger

Car to car coupling system and in car radio coverage

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